Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Eagle Valley Business Report

Question: Discuss about the Eagle Valley Business Report. Answer: Introduction Business sustainability is the application of knowledge, tools, skills and techniques into an organizations activities, products or services with an aim of achieving its objectives, goals, vision and mission (Patel and Rayner, 2012). A sustainable business one that has limited implications on the economy, environment and the surrounding community while an unsustainable business is one that has enormous negative implication to the economy, environment and the community(Macagno, 2013). Most businesses have the hope of becoming sustainable one day one time but the challenges that are involved are too many for them to bare. E.g. of challenges are: lack of enough finances, scarcity of resources, a lot of business regulations, inflation, economic status stress to name just but a few(Capra and Pauli, 1995). According to the information in the case study, Eagle Valley Limited seems to be facing some of these problems that face that involved with an unsustainable business. The business has a limited budget, makes small profit currently and operates from a very old premises that has never been renovated. All these characteristics shows that the company has not been in a good financial position for a while. In addition to that, its health bar production consumes a lot of water which is not available at the moment because of the increased cost. Therefore, these factors categorize Eagle Valley limited as an unsustainable business. However, the CEO of the business has made the decision give the business a chance to improve before its too late. He believes that better sustainability profile will not only improve the companys reputation but also solve the finance problem in the long run. Findings and Discussions The CEO of Eagle Valley Limited has realized that what the business needs is a corporate sustainability advice so that he can be able to improve his company. Generally, corporate sustainability can take advantage of a businesss sustainable profit chances with an aim of protecting the business against some problems like increased energy costs, cost of meeting regulatory policy requirements, volatile resource prices and perception of the consumers towards their products or services(Melewar, Gupta and Czinkota, 2013). However, Eagle Limited has a chance for improvement and can therefore use the following corporate strategies to improve itself: Business Collaboration This strategy involves the formation of partnership with other related or similar companies by coming together with a common objective (Gray, 2006). Eagle Limited has got a problem of resources like water, electricity and building. They claim is that the water and electricity bills have increased making it difficult to pay and the building in which operations are done is very old and probably does not have the modern required technology to produce their products. Furthermore, the business is operating on one building i.e. the offices and the factory in one building which makes it unconducive for production and management too. However, if Eagle Limited decides to form a network with a similar company, then they will be able to share facilities, resources, knowledge, equipment, machines among other things. By doing this, both businesses will be in a position to be more innovative and hence improvement. Business Sustainability Reporting This strategy deals with frequent and periodic business performance reporting to ensure that it is still in relation with the goals and objectives (Seow and Hillary, 2006). The CEO of Eagle Limited wants to better the financial position of the business and improve the companys profile which makes them objectives. Therefore, for him to achieve these objectives, he has to ensure that the performance of the business is updated and in line with this objectives. In addition, he has to ensure that these objective are in relation to the mission and vision of the company. This will help him focus on one direction and work towards achieving a certain thing. Mitigate and Adapt to Climate change Climate change impacts is a widely experienced problem especially to businesses like agri-food and tourism. However, Eagle Limited also experiences this challenge whereby when its winter there is a lot of cold and during summer there is a lot of heat. This is so because of the building material which is affected by both cold and heat. Therefore, the business has to either overcome the challenge or shift its location to a better building whose building material suits them better. Communicate Sustainability Goals Throughout the Business. According to the case study, the idea of sustainability comes from the CEO only and he intends to do it on his own. On the contrary, for a business to be sustainable there should be clear communication and good relationship between the employee and the decision makers. Therefore, for the CEO to achieve these objectives he has set, he should for help, ideas and views from his employees, besides they are the main workers and operators in the business. Production of Healthier Bars The consumers of its products have started watching their health issues therefore reducing their purchases. This has led to decrease in profits for Eagle Limited because its sales decline too. This means that the bars that they produce contain a lot of sugar or has many negative side effects to a persons health. Therefore, the business should change their production inputs into natural ones or healthier ones so that they can be able to produce bars that improve the health of the consumer. Conclusion and Recommendation Eagle Limited has a chance to improve itself but still has got a long way to go. First of all it has to focus on solving its internal problems and later solve that are caused by the environment. E.g. it seems that Eagles main problem is caused by lack of enough finances. Therefore if it concentrates on making its financial position better, then it will have solved most of the issues hindering from becoming sustainable. I would recommend Eagle to take heed of my findings and try to implement the strategies I have discussed. They will be of great help to them. References Capra, F. and Pauli, G. (1995).Steering business toward sustainability. Tokyo: United Nations University Press. Gray, R. (2006). Does sustainability reporting improve corporate behavior?: Wrong question? Right time?.Accounting and Business Research, 36(sup1), pp.65-88. Macagno, T. (2013). A Model for Managing Corporate Sustainability.Business and Society Review, 118(2), pp.223-252. Macagno, T. (2013). A Model for Managing Corporate Sustainability.Business and Society Review, 118(2), pp.223-252. Melewar, T., Gupta, S. and Czinkota, M. (2013). Global business management for sustainability and competitiveness: The role of corporate branding, corporate identity and corporate reputation.Journal of World Business, 48(3), pp.285-286. Patel, T. and Rayner, S. (2012). A Transactional Culture Analysis of Corporate Sustainability Reporting Practices: Six Examples from India.Business Society, 54(3), pp.283-321. Peddada, K. (2015). Globally Competitive Corporate Governance: Solutions For Indian Corporate Sustainability.jadbm, 1(2), pp.68-75. Seow, C. and Hillary, R. 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